It’s over. Even before it could start, it’s over. The prices for the Apple iPhone 3G are out today. The 8GB model is priced at Rs. 31000 and the 16GB model is priced at Rs. 36100. Now that’s way out of reach for people like you and me. I expected some sugary price tag of around Rs. 20000-25000. But I, like each one of you, feel disappointed. Nokia and HTC would be really happy with this news. It’s not just the price that would keep potential buyers away but the non-availability of 3G in India, unreliable GPRS/EDGE networks, no Bluetooth, standard 2MP camera, some issues etc. To add insult to injury the data plans for Apple iPhone 3G by Vodafone are a load of crap.
The monthly rent for iPhone will range from Rs 500 to Rs 1000 depending on your Internet requirements. The lower plan will provide you with 50 MB of free data usage while the upper 1000 plan provides 600 MB of data usage.
Whoa! I won’t be surprised to see more crappy data plans for iPhone 3G once 3G starts in India. No there is no unlimited data transfer plan from Vodafone.
Both Vodafone and Airtel will be launching the iPhone on August 22 and industry experts say bookings and pre-launch interest suggest that they would be able to sell over 100,000 phones in the next 12 months.
The numbers are bloated for sure. That’s because they’ve assumed that all those people who registered for those booking pranks will actually buy an iPhone 3G. Not after coming to know about the actual price tag. So right now just sit back and relax. Enjoy your old phone for a little longer. In the mean time I’m going to checkout some iPhone 3G alternatives. I’ll post my findings here once I’m done with it.
Tags: airtel, alternatives, apple, Cool!, fun, India, iphone 3G, price, tariff, vodafone