My Name Is Khan is Karan Johar’s latest flick starring Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol. With this movie Karan Johar has bought back one of the most favorite on-screen Bollywood couples, of course King Khan and Kajol. My Name Is Khan has already made it to the news with it’s expensive worldwide rights being sold for a whopping amount. The music for My Name Is Khan has been composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, another Karan Johar favorite since Kal Ho Na Ho I believe. The My Name Is Khan promo was aired simultaneously on all Star network channels across the nation. The film is set to release worldwide come February 2010. For now let’s take a look at how the film’s soundtrack sounds like.
All Karan Johar movies have a special something in their soundtracks. Karan, I believe, understands how important a Bollywood soundtrack is and each time he personally makes sure there’s something in it for the millions of Bollywood lovers out there. In Bollywood if you’ll watch a movie or not, a lot of that also depends on how the particular movie’s soundtrack turns out. There have been times when simply good music took me to a theater to watch a crappy movie. Then there have been times when I made myself skip a movie due to a poor soundtrack. Does My Name Is Khan live up to the hype?
The soundtrack begins with Sajda featuring Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Richa Sharma and Shakar Mahadevan. Now those are three very powerful names on a song’s credit listing. Sajda has a qawali feel to it. The music has Shankar Ehsaan Loy written all over it. It’s simple yet effective. And so are the lyrics. A pretty decent enough start to My Name Is Khan’s soundtrack. Rahat Fateh Ali Khan makes it all worthwhile for me!
The second song Noor-E-Khuda has been sung by Shankar Mahadevan, Adnan Sami and Shreya Goshal. Boy oh boy! They’ve got some good money spent on good singers. I told you Karan Johar knows how important a Bollywood soundtrack is. Noor-E-Khuda is a slow, serious track with a motivational touch to it. I can almost imagine Shah Rukh crying all over the screen on this track. Eeew! Another decent enough track, you’ll love it the second time you listen to it.
Tere Naina
Just when I thought they were done with the big names, here comes Shafqat Amanat Ali with Tere Naina. Tere Naina is a soft romantic song that might be pictured on Shah Rukh and Kajol. A lot of their fans are really looking forward to it. Tere Naina’s got that qawali touch to it as well. The music is simple again and so are the lyrics. Right from the first track I can make out the extensive use of the tabla, claps and harmonium. This one passes the test as well!
Allah Hi Rahem
Allah Hi Rahem has been sung by Rashid Khan. Oh my…Ustad Rashid Khan you mean? Well well well! My Name Is Khan’s soundtrack is gotta be a special one. Nothing commercial in it as yet. Zilch! Don’t look for a It’s Time to Disco here, Shankar Ehsaan Loy have dedicated the music right to the film’s core values and topics. Allah Hi Rahem touches your heart in a way. It’s a brilliant sufi track.
Kaise ishq se saj gai raahein,
Jab se dekhi hain yeh teri nigaahein,
ya khuda… mein toh tera ho gaya…
Khan Theme
Oh well it’s a theme what can I say? *giggling*
Rang De
Oh wait! Here’s a commercial track. Rang De, sung by Shankar Mahadevan, is the only track on the heavier side of commercialism. Rang De is a song that asks for peace all over. I however feel it’s a pretty ordinary track. The only loose string in the entire My Name Is Khan soundtrack. The track may appeal to a few of you but I think after such a good soundtrack this is just not acceptable.
My Rating - 3.5/5 : Pretty neat, not really on the uber cool side but still it has some lovely tracks.
Tags: adnan sami, bollywood, kajol, karan johar, my name is khan, previews, reviews, shah rukh, singers