Twitter, Facebook killed the blogging star

in Tech


It’s almost ironical. Blogs are a big part of the social media and yet microblogging and social networking tools such as Twitter and Facebook are potential blogger killers. At least I can say for myself.

Twitter has led to thoughts escaping the mind, followed by a few quick keypad punches on a mobile device and boom! What could have been an entire meaty blog post had just been reduced to a couple of 140 character long status updates on Twitter. All this followed by real-time reactions and mini-discussions from people all over. Twitter is the new quickly-blog-and-get-reactions blogging tool. Or what they call it in the sensible world – microblogging.

Facebook is sugary. It not only lets you do more than just 140 characters but also distracts you to check out what people around you are into. Post a random thought on Facebook and you can’t help yourself from checking out all the nonsense on the newsfeed. Addictive as it may be, you just cannot stay away from all the buzz around Facebook.

Somewhere amidst these two very distinct worlds lies a shattered blogging dream, hanging in-between. The blogger inside me reminds me just when I hit the shut down button on my PC that I must get back to blogging soon. The mind carries on with insane tweeting and Facebook-ing the very next morning.

God save the blogger.

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