Speed up the Web using Google Public DNS

in Tech

Google has launched it’s own public DNS resolver called Google Public DNS. The service is aimed at making the web much faster and safer. Those of you who’re wondering whether DNS is a another Star Trek spaceship, it’s something you use a lot, every time you’re on the web. It simply converts easy-to-recall domain names to numbers called Internet Protocol numbers. You make more than hundred of such queries every day.

So why did Google come up with Public DNS? Well for one, they’re trying hard to speed up the web. DNS resolution is still quick but it can make a huge factor to your web browsing experience. Clogged default ISP’s DNS which we normally use is one factor for our constant cursing towards their service. So Google Public DNS shall provide an alternate to ISP’s DNS resolver. There are however other open DNS services available on the Internet such as OpenDNS (which I personally and recommend). On the security front Google aims to counter the malicious routing of users by compromised nameserver caches. Google Public DNS does not filter, block or redirect users unlike other open DNS services.

How you can switch to Google Public DNS? Anyone can make use of Google Public DNS to speed up their web browsing experience. You simply need to edit your current DNS IP addresses to Google’s;

You can use either of these as primary or secondary.

Happy browsing!

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Tags: browser, dns, , ip, public dns, services, speed up

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Yeah, it really made the difference…browsing speed is better now.
Thanks for the information and boy!!! you are more than a professional blogger. You blog is original and addictive. Hats off!!

  • https://harryjerry.com Harry

    Thanks a lot Gagan! :)

  • yet_another_hindu_infidel

    Use opendns…

    They have been offering free dns services for years. Google taking over all internet things is not a good trend. Ping rated of opendns are around 300ms while google has around 290ms. Not much difference.

    Plus opendns has a huge HUGE database which google will take years to compile.

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