Social Media for Chicks!

in Tech

[Starting this week we're featuring a biweekly column on technology for chicks. This column will feature technology related news, reviews, tips and tricks and more. The language shall be kept as simple and as human as possible. This one's for all the chicks out there!]

When you hear the words ‘Social Media’ all around you, all the time, you know it’s got to be something special. Social media consists of various Internet and Mobile based online tools for sharing information amongst various users. This information can range from simple short text messages or complete articles. Social media is the combination of technology, telecom and interactivity. The sharing for information includes text, audio and video as well.

What makes social media so spicy is that it is powered by general users. Yes, users like you and me. Millions of people power the social media across the globe. This separates social media from the industrial media which is dependent on a handful of reporters.

Social media’s global approach makes it an highly reachable, accessible, usable and also quite relevant. Social media tool Twitter was in the news recently during the Mumbai terror attacks. People were using Twitter for sharing the latest information regarding the attacks.

Apart from Twitter various other examples of social media include Internet forums, blogs, wikis (remember Wikipedia? It is a wiki), podcasts (audio blogging), instant messaging etc. You could join any of there powerful tools and be a part of the ever exploding social media world.

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