Worldwide Project Natal Launch in October

in Tech

project natal launch

The cat is out of the bag. Microsoft is all set to launch Project Natal this October. The big news is that Microsoft is planning on a worldwide launch of it’s controller-free Xbox 360 experience. Apparently Microsoft’s Saudi based marketing manager Syed Tariq has revealed in an interview with a gaming portal that Microsoft is gearing up for an October launch, well in time for the holiday season.

The motion sensing camera device known popularly as Project Natal has already created quite a buzz in the gaming industry. The global launch will add to Natal’s bling. However the exact date for the Project Natal launch will not be out before E3 which is supposed to be in June this year. The device is believed to bring gaming consoles into the next generation. It will also add to Microsoft’s commitment to the hardcore gaming industry.

Microsoft had earlier hinted at an autumn launch during the initial demo sessions for Project Natal. October seems the perfect time since college would be over and if everything rolls out well I might just buy myself an Xbox 360 along with Project Natal for my birthday. Or I could bug someone to buy it for me. Now you know what gift I’d love to have this year!

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