Harry’s Theory of Uncertainty

May 11, 2010

The amount of uncertainty that exists in the real world is so huge that it can turn our little lives upside down in a matter of seconds. Confused? Astonished? Well don’t be. Look around and uncertainty rules our world. I have this mini theory on uncertainty and how it affects us in the long run. [...]

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Movie Review – Badmaash Company

May 7, 2010

Let me confess first. I saw this movie last night. I really saw this movie last night. I just woke up about half an hour ago and I knew the first thing I had to do was write a review for Yash Raj’s latest flick Badmaash Company. None of us three die hard Bollywood fans [...]

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Facebook to take on Foursquare and Gowalla!

May 7, 2010

Facebook is all set to take on Fourquare and Gowalla as per reports leaked on the Internet. Facebook is coming up with it’s location based services for users and advertisers. The new features will allow users to post relevant data along with their exact location. Something that current startups like Fourquare and Gowalla excel at, [...]

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Is your ex-boyfriend on Twitter?

May 6, 2010

I was having a conversation the other day with she-who-must-not-be-named about how social media has changed our lives. There came a point in the conversation when I started going blah blah about Twitter and how a simple idea has now turned into the Godzilla of social media. I suddenly realized that this friend of mine [...]

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Exclusive Interview: Mathew Carley, Hayai Broadband

May 5, 2010

Mathew Carley is a name to watch out for! He’s the man who is coming up with India’s fastest ISP, Hayai Broadband. It means a lot to the broadband deprived Indians. The broadband scene has been full of ups and downs in the recent past. ISPs have never understood the real demand for a high [...]

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Tata Indicom Broadband – Customer Care

May 5, 2010

Tata Indicom’s broadband connection falls ill and this is how a call to their customer care department goes like. I’m indeed going to heaven for this! Me: Hello! I’m having issues with opening websites on my laptop. He: Could you confirm me your account details first? [Details confirmed] Like this? Share it with your friends!

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