India’s biggest inter-college competetion for rock bands is back on the billboards. Currently in the 5th season, Campus Rock Idols is one huge platform for various college rock bands mushrooming across the country to showcase their skills on the national channel. The contest begins at the city level and grows into regional channels and then eventually on the huge national platter. The winners attain the title of ‘Campus Rock Idols’ along with a cool cash prize of Rs. 75,000. The winning rock band also gets an opportunity to open for an International rock act as and when it happens in India. Now that’s something worth getting yourself killed for!
I follow this event like a religion every year. I’ll be covering the event at Delhi and Chandigarh. So keep your eye balls glued for updates, reviews of performances and photos right from the scene of action. For those of you interested in teaming up with me for the event please get in touch with me at
Schedule for Chandigarh:
Chandigarh Regional Event
Headline Act : Indigo Children
Venue: Leisure Valley, Sector 10
Date: Jan 23, 2009.
Schedule for Delhi:
Delhi Regional Event & Zonal Finals
Headline Act : Them Clones & Prestorika
Venue: Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Netajinagar
Jan 31, 2009.
For more details: Official Site
Tags: 5800, campus, concert, contest, event, nokia tube, rock
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