Tata Indicom has launched the ‘streaming TV on your mobile’ service in India. The service is available to all Tata Indicom prepaid and postpaid customers. The service currently offers 25 streaming channels to the subscribers. These include news channels, entertainment channels and some regional channels as well.
As per Tata Indicom’s official website only Motorola V3C (RAZR) subscribers can avail this service. Now that’s something both weird and stupid. I believe Tata Indicom is offering the live streaming TV feed using a Java based application which should be compatible with almost all modern phones with Java. The application for this service has been developed by a company called Apalya. The company also offers a similar service on other cell phone networks. The pricing has been set at Rs. 15 for 5 minutes.
I haven’t personally tried the service as I don’t have a Motorola RAZR phone. I have some serious doubts on the lag issues during the streaming of TV shows. If you are a subscriber to the service, please post your reviews.
Tags: Cool!, India, Mobile, streaming, tata indicom