Akshay Kumar is all set to hit the small screen with Fear Factor – Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 2 later this year on Colors channel. Akshay has had a tough time convincing people to watch his flick CC2C which went down badly at the box office. Khatron Ke Khiladi is the Indian version of Fear Factor and this would be the second season, titled ‘Level 2′. The show comprises of only female contestants. Or divas as the show claims.
The second season promises to include double the stunts. This year the show will involve 13 divas along with 13 partners comprising of both men and women (read as common men and women) who will help these divas in their stunts. If their partner wins then these common men and women get to take home some goodies too! Last year the show was quite a wet blanket. I am hoping they’d improve on things this season. In case you’re interested in being a partner to those mysterious hot and sizzling divas on the show, here’s your chance.
Tags: akshay, colors, fear factor, preview, reality show
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