I just woke up after a quick nap and went straight up to the desk to grab the laptop. The geek in me wanted to let the world know I had woken up. All of a sudden, Twitter is mysteriously hiding itself from me. I was not able to log-in on Dabr, Twitter web or post on Gravity using my phone. I hurled a good amount of profanity at AirTel broadband, only to later realize that Twitter is officially down.
The current Twitter outage is still on as I write this post. Both TechCrunchand Mashable have reported that the downtime has lasted for at least 30-40 minutes so far, so it’s more than an hour now. No one is able to post or even access their accounts on Twitter. I can really understand how all those geeks, like me, are feeling right now, the urge to tweet must be killing everyone. As of now, the Twitter fail whale is swimming and smiling in joy.
Update: Twitter is finally up now after an outage of about 1 hour.
Tags: outage, social media, twitter