Microsoft Xbox 360 Slim is coming!

in Tech

microsoft xbox 360 slim

Seems like I’m gonna have a tough time to decide between Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 slim! At a recent event in New Delhi, Microsoft has clarified that the rumors surrounding the launch of Xbox 360 Slim were indeed true. Microsoft is expected to officially come out with an announcement later in December. The new Xbox 360 will include a 45nm Valhalla combined CPU / GPU motherboard design in a slim case. It is however uncertain whether it will start shipping early next year but it could make up for a great Christmas or New Year present especially with the release of Fallout 3, Fable 2 and Gears of War 2 in India. That’s a good one week before the official worldwide launch. Microsoft also announced a special Xbox 360 deal for Indian gamers which includes an Xbox 360 Core console, a 20 GB HDD, one wireless controller and free copies of Viva Pinata and Forza 2 for Rs. 14,999.

With Nintendo Wii just around the corner, I am confused between Microsoft Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. Any advice?

Update: The wait is over guys! Microsoft has today released the new Xbox 360 Slim at E3. It’s black, sleek and sexy. The announcement follows the earlier one concerning Project Natal being named Kinect officially. A great day for gamers indeed!

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go for XBOX 360 SLIM
  • Hey! Can I ask what's this template you are using in your blog? thanks.
  • Didn't the PS3 crash when it came to battling against Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii? I'm sure a lot of people don't even know PS3 actually exists!
  • Rohan
    Go for the PS3.
  • Aaaaaaa2
    go for xbox 360 eligth
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