I’ve been using Google Wave for a couple of weeks now. I see there’s a lot of potential in Google Wave. It’s got to it than what meets the eye. Of course it’ll take time for Google Wave to grow up and become the next big thing. Wave is currently in beta and is available on an invitation-only basis.
For now all those of you who want a Google Wave invite can request for one. I have around 20 Google Wave invitations with me. Please post a comment to this post using the comment form below to request for an invitation to Google Wave. This works on a first come first serve basis. You don’t need to enter your e-mail address in the comment itself, I’ll be sending your Google Wave invitations to the e-mail id you’ll enter in the e-mail field below. Please note that your Google Wave invitations take about 24-48 hours to arrive in your inbox so please relax.
Tags: Cool!, Google, google wave, invitations, invites
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