Popular online book seller Flipkart has decided to expand. Flipkart has now started selling movies, music and games online on their website. From what I have seen so far Flipkart is selling both Hindi and English movies (DVDs), Bollywood and international music CDs apart from games. They have games based on all major gaming console platforms today. Very cool indeed!
Now that is a very intelligent move I must admit. Flipkart is quite popular as far as an Indian online bookstore is concerned. Add to that DVDs and games available for a discount, I think I might add a few to my books order the next time. Why not? You’ve got movies, music and games added on that same Flipkart UI you’ve loved to shop.
What I didn’t like about the new additions was that there is no easy way to navigate through the movies, music and games listings. I agree there’s a nice search feature up above the page and it’s pretty much bull’s eye each time you search but what if I don’t want to. Most of the books I buy is what I browse and read description and buy if I find them interesting. I want it to be the same way for movies, music and games. It’ll be awesome to see digital downloads for the music section in the future.
As for now Flipkart has made the right move. I wish them all the very best!
Tags: awesome, ecommerce, entertainment, flipkart, India, launch, news, online shopping