PVR Cinemas has finally landed in Chandigarh! PVR is located at Uppal’s Centra Mall in Industrial Area, Chandigarh. They have started started operations from today. They have four auditoriums. Currently they are showing three movies to begin with. The last time I checked out the Centra Mall it looked like it was just about ready. So I guess they’ll have the rest of the mall open to public quite soon. Centra Mall is the third mall in Chandigarh. There are two more malls which are expected to open up in the next 2-3 weeks. PVR promises a great movie experience. I’ll be the judge of that!
Update: Here is the full review of the PVR Cinemas Chandigarh. Please click here to read it.
Related: Check out our latest movie reviews before you watch a movie!
Tags: fun, malls, pvr, shopping