So what are you guys currently up to?
We’re hard at work on the new album. Don’t believe us? See for yourself !
Super excited about it cause t’s shaping up well. We just completed a 3-city tour in March where we showcased a lot of the new material. The response was great and we’re thrilled about that.
We enter the studio in the first week of May with our co-producer Anupam Roy, from Grey & Saurian
(They will soon be managing us). As of now, our plans are to have the album out by end June 2009.
Our official website is up and running. For now, we’re asking people to visit the website and register for band updates and album pre-orders. The launch of the fully functional site will coincide with the album launch.
We’ve made a serious effort to reach out and be accessible to people on the Internet. So. People can now interact with us on facebook, twitter, youtube and myspace. Here are the links:
:: Join the Bhayanak Maut FANPAGE on Facebook here:
:: Listen to Bhayanak Maut here:
:: Get our Tweets here:
:: Get free subscription to BMTV here:
:: Get a taste of Bhayanak Maut wallpapers here:
Who were your influences?
Our influences are wide and varied. For a full list visit our myspace page.
How did you come up with the band’s name?
Sriram (ex-vocalist) and Jaison (ex-bassist) came up with the name. I think they were influenced by the Ramsay Brothers film. The name stuck.
What do you think about the current rock music scene in India? How easy/hard has it been for you guys to get exposure for the band?
Ah….we wouldn’t like to comment on this. Let’s just say that we’re just happy that we get to play shows once in a while.
Tell us something about your new album?
Ah….. why would we want to do that?
Patience, my friend….patience.
What according to you is the USP of your band?
We don’t know. You should ask our friends and fans this question. We’d like to know too!
If you could create a fantasy band – what would be the line-up and why?
Tough question. Never thought of creating/being in a fantasy band. The musicians don’t really matter as long as there are super hot pole-dancers on stage while the band plays.
A message to your fans?
Thank you for the continuing support. It means a lot to us – we know that you’re expecting some really kick-ass material from us on the new album. We’re doing our best to make that happen.
From all of us here at, we wish you loads of luck for your upcoming album. We’ll make sure to post a review here once we manage to get our hands on a copy. Till then, keep rocking!
Tags: bhayanak maut, death metal, exclusive, interview, rock