Mallika Sherwat has done it again! The bold Bollywood actress has apparantly tweeted her first ever American on-screen kiss. Mallika seems to be having fun at Hollywood. Her energy-filled Twitter timeline reflects that. The actress is currently in the United States shooting for her new movie Hisss (I don’t know how many S’s are involved) which stars Irfan Khan too.
Don’t ask me who the guy Mallika is kissing in the still above. It’s definitely not Irfan Khan. Just another random guy? Well it’s Mallika Sherawat you see not Rakhi Sawant. After going through the official promo for Mallika’s Hiss I have no interest in watching the movie myself. I won’t even recommend you the promo. Of course you can Youtube the video once the movie is out.
Here’s wishing our dear Mallika Sherawat loads of luck in Hollywood-land and may she kiss many more times. Cheers Mallika! I love you!
Tags: actress, bollywood, hollywood, hot, kiss, mallika sherawat, photos, sexy, smooch