Reliance GSM recently had a soft launch here in Chandigarh. Reliance is the first private telecom operator in India to offer mobile services on both CDMA and GSM networks. Reliance GSM is currently offering connections at dirt cheap prices. A new pre-paid connection can be purchased for Rs.25 and you’ll need to buy an e-recharge for Rs. 50 which shall activate your connection. As per the introductory offer you’ll get Rs.10 worth of talktime every day which you have to consume the same day. The tariff plans Reliance has come up with are very similar to the ones being currently offered by major mobile service providers in the region such as Airtel, Vodafone and Idea.
I picked up a Reliance GSM pre-paid connection today. Reliance boasts of a 3G ready, congestion free network which will be superior to it’s competitors. I haven’t been able to make a single call and all I seem to hear is ‘This network is currently busy‘. It’s evident why Reliance hasn’t put up large hoardings about their presence in the region. They’re currently testing and deploying their network. If you need to make a call you’ll only get across after 15-20 re-dial attempts.
What I’m really looking forward to is the 3G services from Reliance GSM. I hope they’ll be good enough to chalk out decent data plans.
Here are some facts about the welcome kit Reliance GSM is offering;
Reliance GSM Pre-paid Pack
I/c Validity | 6 months | |
First E-Recharge MRP | Rs 50 | |
Talktime | Rs 44.50 | |
Special Benefit | Talktime | Rs 10/Per day |
Night calling | Free to local/Intra Circle Reliance GSM & CDMA Mobile | |
Night Calling Time- Between 11pm and 6 am |
Tags: chandigarh, gsm, Mobile, prepaid, reliance