Do you feel safe in your own country?

in Current Events

mumbai attacks

I am ashamed to say this and not afraid to share this now with the rest of the cyber world, that last night, as the events of the terror attack unfolded in front of me I did something for the first time and one that I had hoped never ever to be in a situation to do.

Before retiring for the night, I pulled out my licensed .32 revolver, loaded it and put it under my pillow. For a very disturbed sleep.

Amitabh Bachchan (on his blog)

Mr. Amitabh, I don’t have a personal revolver like you. Nor do the rest of the billion common Indians. I don’t have a Z-Plus security like you. Nor do the rest of the billion common Indians. When I am out on the streets buying tandoori chicken, I am not sure if I myself would be burning the very next moment. When I am out at crowded places and I stare at other people, I am looking for weird faces, people that could be carrying explosives to kill me, and the people there. When I am at home, I am scared.

What is happening? I ask my mother. Where is the God that we pray to all the time?

Has he died or has he given it up?

Who’s got the answers? Have you?

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No one is safe. No one!

  • pratik

    It was Certainly something unexpected from Mr. Amitabh Bachchan , even though he’s at liberty to publish all his thoughts on his personal blog, knowing of the mass effect his opinions tend to have , i don’t think writing about his bedtime fears cheered up the already-panicky hundred million of us .

    Nobody’s safe ?? Thats a something any1 & every1 can ,and are willing to, conclude at this point of time .English team’s going back due to security fears , Tourists fear coming to INDIA again , Our Own residents Are blogging their fears out wide ..

    BAD LUCK ! WE have a terrorist-haven as a Neighbour , which doesn’t take anything less than ‘Forfeit Kashmir’ for an answer , & doesn’t tire sending brain-washed 20-somethings with AK’s n Grenades, to try n terrorize us —its like having a mosquito breeding ground right next to your house … But in this case , the hundred odd protocols designed after World war II ,to prevent a WW-III ; forbid you to use Mosquito Repellents directly over the Breeding ground , all you can do is wait till a couple fly over to sting , & then squash them between your palms ….

    Yes Ishy, America Did use their repellents right away , wiping of anything that came in the way , Yes they did not pay heed to UNO’s proposal … maybe that’s why they got booed by the world , ended spending billions n trillions on war ,lost thousands of their men , got entire Joke-books written on their president , got the First Black man into the Oval Office … N still , Are willing to pay a fortune if you find out a man called OSAMA BIN LADEN .

    You spray your homes with repellents all summer , Buy those All-Outs & Mortein Coils , but more often than Not , don’t you find yourself scratching hard at that little red inflammation on the skin ?
    It doesn’t help when the House is As big as the 7th Largest Land Area in the world , & a 7600 km Coastline overlooking an infinite sea .Especially when its only been 61 years since we gained control , & the mosquitoes have been biting Every now & then .

    Imagine America, or any one of those ‘Safe’ countries , having Pakistan for a neighbour ,a 100 million citizens ;all different languages & religions ,60 years into independence , Already fought over 5 odd wars ….. Nah , i don’t think they would be able to Wade through all that Just using our ‘self defence’ approach , n still manage to have a GDP of 7.6 ….n growing .

    Stop Whining like those white asses ! They came so many times , n will probably keep coming again n again ….. But we always sent them back with a return gift ….. a Coffin ! Come Together & cheer those who are after those mosquitoes … Cmon Commandos , SQUASH THOSE BASTARDS …

  • Ishy

    Yes these bugs need to be squashed every time they bite but you see when mosquitoes get too irritating we spray the shit! Now it’s not a time for the same kachua chaap treatment. We need to spray the shit and get rid of these bugs, once and for all.

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