It seems like a perfect marriage between Bollywood and technology. Kareena Kapoor has been signed up by technology giant Sony for promoting their brand new range of laptops, the size zero Sony Vaio X. The new Sony Vaio X notebooks weigh a mere 655 gm and the ultra-portable laptops are only 13.9 mm thin. Now that’s slick! Sony claims their Vaio X comprises of a battery life of around 16 hours (using optional battery) and a little over 6 hours (using the default battery). Now if you’re thinking these laptops are Kareena-like fragile, they’re not. These sexy looking notebooks are mean machines with solid state drives and scratch resistant wide-screen display. I wanna take this baby home. Of course I’m not pointing towards Kareena.
But in case you are, then here are some of her promotional photos. Take a look and decide which size zero looks better.
Tags: buy, hardware, kareena kapoor, laptops, notebooks, prices, sony, sony vaio x
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