How Much Does The iPad Cost To Apple?

in Tech

Ever wondered how much does the iPad cost Apple? How much is their margin? Well as per a report from iSuppli, the Apple iPad costs about $229 for the 16GB (without 3G) model. The 64 GB Apple iPad costs about $317 which includes Bill of Materials (BOM) and manufacturing cost. The report’s estimates are based on hardware manufacturing costs alone and do not consider marketing, development and additional expenditure.

ipad cost to manufacture

The most expensive component in an Apple iPad is the touchscreen display which costs $80. NAND Flash comes second with it’s price varying between $29.5 to $118. Manufacturing costs are between $10 to $11.20 only. The A4 processor that powers the iPad is expected to cost apple $17. The ARM based processor is expected to be manufactured by Samsung. iSuppli believes the mid range iPad sales will bring Apple the maximum profits.

Come April and Apple is all set to take over the tablet computing world.

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Tags: , apple tablet, cost, , margin, , profits

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