I was having a conversation the other day with she-who-must-not-be-named about how social media has changed our lives. There came a point in the conversation when I started going blah blah about Twitter and how a simple idea has now turned into the Godzilla of social media. I suddenly realized that this friend of mine didn’t have a clue about what Twitter exactly was. She had heard about Twitter in the dailies and her idea of Twitter was a new age MySpace on which celebrities boasted about their worth.
I’ve had a rough time explaining Twitter and how to use it to people. It’s more easier to let them join the site and check it out for themselves rather than explaining the concepts of @replies, retweets, followers etc. So I asked this friend of mine to join Twitter and start by following some of the people I follow.
This morning I received a call from her, thanking me for introducing her to Twitter. Strange as it was I had thought she might have struck a conversation with some celebrity or a dream crush on Twitter and that was the reason for her excitement. It turned out I was so wrong. Guess who she found on Twitter? Her ex-boyfriend!
It’s nothing wrong to check out how your ex flame has been doing ever since they left your world for the good. What my friend discovered was a little more than that. She found out how her ex was clearly labeling their past relationship as if it was yet another Rakhi Sawant fake marriage on TV. He event went out of the way to discuss how he was not satisfied with the physical relationship that she had with his friends on Twitter. It’s not rocket science, indeed the girl was depressed after she read all this.
The whole point of social media and the freedom to post anything you feel like might appear vague in situations like this. Of course there would be hundreds if not thousands of cases like this cropping up everywhere on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace (really?) and other popular social networks where past lives, jobs etc. are being discussed which could be totally false in the long run and could seriously hurt sentiments.
Social media tools are powerful. All I’d advise is that you use them with utter care and a sense of responsibility. And for all you people out there, do check out what your ex is talking about you online. As for the friend of mine, we’re putting up a tiny microsite on the web to inform the big bad world about how great this person’s lies are. It’ll up very soon for you all to enjoy and poke fun at.
Tags: boyfriend, online security, privacy, relationships, satire, social media, twitter