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twitterThis post is a dedication on my completion of one year on Twitter as an active but not a verified account! Twitter, a social networking and a microblogging site took the world by a storm after hi5, Orkut, Myspace, Facebook and full length blogging. After having accounts on Orkut and Facebook, well…the ascent was obvious. So I finally joined twitter on 26th may, 2009. There is a story behind it too.

Being a girl I am expected to be jealous. And I was jealous of twitter *hides face*. Jealous because @hary_jerry used to tweet a lot and it made me wonder what the hell this was which was intruding our lives so much. I considered twitter as a second girl in @harry_jerry’s life. Every time he used to utter the word ‘twitter’ or ‘tweet’, I used to fret and fume like anything. So finally out of curiosity I signed up on twitter after a much brainstorming for the twitter handle, and finally agreed with myself on the name @morphiine because first of all it’s the word that finds mention in chemistry, is addictive and its over dosage can kill. I instantly agreed with the addictive and killing by over dosage part as (I made out the highly narcissist reason later for choosing this handle) it clearly portrays my personality. Finally I started to tweet. It was bit difficult to get used to the idea of what following and followers meant, how you @ anyone you want to reply to and most of all WHAT to tweet actually. The idea is, to tweet any damn thing if you know how to press keys.

One year down the line of tweeting, I can call myself, if not an addict then surely glued to it. I still wonder that what is it that makes people want to tweet so much! It’s the idea of tweeting that keeps everything going. Twitter has a language of its own, people is #tweeple, hugs become #twugs, meet up is #tweetup, matrimony #twittmony and anniversary #twittversary , pictures posted become twitpic and many more. Well for the outcome part I learnt to use #hashtags which can be as stupid at times as #Iamaddictedtostupidhashtags. Got the meanings of #TGIF (thank God its Friday ) #WTF #FTW (for the win ), CLT (currently listening to). Been a part of trends like #nowplaying #iconicindianads #musicalmonday etc. and the greatest achievement was to attend a #chdtweetup (Chandigarh meet up) .

With a new celebrity joining it every day, and people joining as to find out why celebrities are joining, the trend is definitely catching up. Having a twitter ID is in vogue these days. The day isn’t far when everyone, just everyone will have a twitter profile. By the way, if you haven’t signed up yet, what are you waiting for?! Do get a profile before 2012. Hope to see you following soon! *winks*

Editor’s note: You can catch up with Navneet on Twitter . You can also check out her # hash tag . BTW congrats and thanks a lot for being on Twitter lady. You make my life a lot easier!

1. Miss Attitude

miss attitudeThis is quite a common genre of girls every guy comes across at least several times in his life. Miss Attitude is what I call this type of woman. She ain’t perfect, she ain’t got it all but Johnny boy she’s got herself an attitude she’s proud of. Prepare to be assaulted right from the way you dress to the way you call the captain to take the order, from the tiniest detail to that lipstick stain on the jacket you recycled from last year’s Valentines. She’s got a problem with everything. She’ll show her attitude even if the chef throws in a tiny pinch of extra sugar in the pastry. No gift can pass her. No gift can please her attitude. She’ll accept it whole halfheartedly and claim she’s had better. Makes you wonder what creatures could have possibly tamed such a tigress in the past. A must-skip for any Valentines day.

2. Miss I-Am-Angry

angry girl These are over-spoilt girls. They get angry at the drop of a hat. You forgot flowers? You didn’t buy them a drink? You didn’t bring along a gift? What did you say? Prepare to get assaulted. You need to pay extra attention and be a good listener to survive a date with this kind of girl. You must follow their commands like a slave. You must make sure you don’t press the trigger. It’s all about finding the trigger button. If you can find what makes this girl angry and suppress it then you can take the bull by the horns. I’ll suggest you avoid people like this. You cannot afford to go feeling awkward while she bashes you verbally (or at times physically) on a Valentines day. Someone like this needs anger management classes and not a boyfriend.
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How to Find a Date this Valentine’s Day?

February 11, 2009

Looking for a date for this Valentine’s day? Join the gang buddy! Valentine’s Day is almost here. The newspapers, websites, blogs, forums etc. add salt to your ‘single’ wounds. You have remained single throughout the year and all of a sudden when you look around and find no one besides you, your heart starts beating [...]

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Chadiis for Sri Ram Sena this Valentines!

February 9, 2009

Alright girls it’s time to take out all those pink chadiis (underwear) and throw them at Sri Ram Sena’s sick faces. No I haven’t been hooked to booze lately. The Pink Chadii Campaign has been kicked off by a bunch of girls with brains ,called Consortium of Pub-going, Loose and Forward Women, on Feb 5, [...]

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The Perfect Boyfriend doesn’t exist!

January 20, 2009

That’s right people the title says it all. As junior school science teachers taught you with a stink in their hands that there is no such thing as an ideal machine, it’s true that there is no such thing as a perfect boyfriend. There are always some kind of losses on the path of love. [...]

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Back to College Fashion Guide for Girls!

January 2, 2009

The vacations are over and college is calling! It’s time to go shopping and stock up to face the winter fashion challenge for this round of college. Here’s a quick guide to what you should buy. Start Slideshow!

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