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BSNL Dataone Speed Explosion!

July 1, 2008

The folks at BSNL Dataone have been kind enough to change my tariff plan from Home 250 to 750 Plus Unlimited for this month. Somehow I feel they’re still screwing me up somewhere. They have changed my plan as I can see that on the Dataone user account panel. The speed as per my plan [...]

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Hell on Earth: Changing BSNL Dataone Plan!

June 27, 2008

BSNL Dataone is God’s way of punishing you for your sins. I still remember how I got my broadband connection installed. It took me a week long of frequent visits, requests and clarifications. I begged them for a broadband connection! Not that I am a huge fan but they were and they still are the [...]

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Here’s broadband for Grandpa from BSNL!

March 4, 2008

BSNL Dataone has recently introduced a shiny brand new plan for the senior citizens. Not that they admit but it’s seriously a plan for your grand parents. The plan features Internet speeds of up to 2mbps at only Rs.125 per month. The minimum hire period is around three months. Here is the catch. There’s is [...]

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