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It’s almost ironical. Blogs are a big part of the social media and yet microblogging and social networking tools such as Twitter and Facebook are potential blogger killers. At least I can say for myself.

Twitter has led to thoughts escaping the mind, followed by a few quick keypad punches on a mobile device and boom! What could have been an entire meaty blog post had just been reduced to a couple of 140 character long status updates on Twitter. All this followed by real-time reactions and mini-discussions from people all over. Twitter is the new quickly-blog-and-get-reactions blogging tool. Or what they call it in the sensible world – microblogging.
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The last two weeks of my life have been upside down, all thanks (but not thanks) to a tiny little creature. I had been struck with Dengue fever earlier last week in Delhi. For all the three odd years during my stay here at Delhi, I have been the most scared of catching a vector-borne disease such as this. But it can get to just about anyone with just one little smooch. The worst part – you won’t even know which one was it.

Dengue is scary because it’s so painful. Your entire body hurts like it’s the end of the world for you and the fever adds insult to the injury. The spread of viral fever in the region adds to the patient’s woes simply by confusing the diagnosis. I was lucky enough I wasn’t prescribed any pain killers from early on itself or things could have turned ugly. My advise to anyone with a fever and a severe body ache is to get a blood test done first. Not always you’ll have every symptom of Dengue.

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Getting Back to Blogging

September 19, 2010

I feel I owe an explanation to all my readers (all – being optimistic) about me and my team’s recent absence from the blogging scene. No we didn’t quit blogging at all, we love it and we’ll continue to give it our best. For most of us here at HJ, the transition called life has [...]

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How To Crop Images in WordPress 2.9 Image Editor

December 22, 2009

WordPress 2.9 features a built-in Image Editor which provides basic image editing features. Now it’s not rocket science to use the Image Editor in WordPress 2.9 but somehow the image cropping feature didn’t work out for me initially. What happened was I didn’t know to use it properly. Apart from the other functions such as [...]

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