Stats. Numbers. Never share stats so quickly. The aim of terrorists is to spread terror. The element of fear gets instilled in the minds of citizens once you start bragging about the number of dead. It may look flashy for news channels but it is not a number we citizens need to read. Look at the US. Did they go about flashing their number of dead citizens? No. Even after the whole thing got over, the news channels and the Government only said a lot of people died and everyone just made assumptions. The actual number of dead were shared much later.
Say ‘no no’ to footage from closed circuit cameras. That footage is meant for security agencies. If you show terrorists holding AK47s and shooting people on national television, it will only make people like me smash their television screens. I don’t want to see a bloody terrorist on national television. Same goes for the newspapers. No pictures of the terrorists on front pages please.
Blame game. After the 9/11 American Government and Intelligence agencies were not making a mockery of the nation by passing the buck around. Look at US. The Navy is making excuses and so is the Government at both central and state levels. For God sake it’s not time to blame. It’s time to send a message to the World that you will not tolerate terrorism.
Tags: 26-11, 9-11