An Open Letter To Barkha Dutt and NDTV

in Current Events

Dear Barkha,

I hope that you find some time to read this letter. I know you must be enjoying reading so much about you in the Indian Blogosphere. So much for ‘shoddy journalism’ Barkha! As a girl I really admired your presence in the Indian media. You were one of the many reasons I used to prefer NDTV over other crappy news channels in India. But not any more. The recent incident where you and NDTV sued an Indian blogger Chyetanya Kunte for no reason left me in a bad taste. So the people who brag about such standards of freedom of speech suddenly find themselves getting down and dirty with the whole freedom of expression thing.

I hope you’ve found yourself satisfied Barkha but I’m not. Neither are the thousands of Indian bloggers, lakhs of people who eventually got to read that post Kunte originally wrote. So here’s my verdict on the whole issue;

NO NDTV for me now. NO Barkha Dutt for me now. NO NDTV for all my friends, family and online buddies. This doesn’t make any impact on your TRPs but even if it makes a 0.01% impact on your lame minds, I’ll be a happy person.

With love,

Your ex-fan!

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