From the category archives:


Indian Railways Website is dumb!

August 1, 2008

I’ve been using the Indian Railways website for booking e-tickets online for a really long time now. Every time I have to use their website I need to keep my fingers crossed. I also need a hell of good luck to be able to book tickets smoothly. Sometimes it take an awful lot of time [...]

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My first Facebook Application: OyeLetsGo!

July 30, 2008

I am supposed to come up with something for a Summer Training project. I can’t bang my head into Java (that’s actually what I am supposed to do) so I decided to play with Facebook instead. After a little reading and a lot of head banging I am finally there! All that time spent earlier [...]

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Here comes the Google Search killer!

July 28, 2008

Ex-Googlers have got together to bring out a new cool search engine called Cuil (pronounced cool.) The last time it’s developer Anna Patterson developed something similar it was purchased by search engine leader Google Inc. This time Anna says her search engine is not for sale. She quit Google in 2006 to develop a new [...]

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Surprised! Google thinks I’m a bot.

July 9, 2008

We’re sorry… … but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now. Yes. Google thinks I’m a bot! Got this screen while using Lively. I didn’t do anything to bomb their servers, I simply clicked on Sign-in. Ok. [...]

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Google launches Lively, a Virtual World!

July 9, 2008

Google recently launched Lively, a virtual world service that it plans to deploy on social networks on the web. Using Lively, a user can create an avatar and a virtual room. These can then be embedded on any web page, blog or a social networking profile. Lively shall be heavily deployed in various social networking [...]

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Harry’s Guide to Best Web Browsers!

June 17, 2008

The Internet is really addictive and that’s no rocket science. You can spend endless hours browsing the web. It’s obviously important that you use the best web browser. A good web browser will not only provide you with an enriched browsing experience but also take care of your security also. A lot of web browsers [...]

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