BSNL Dataone Speed Explosion!

in Broadband

The folks at BSNL Dataone have been kind enough to change my tariff plan from Home 250 to 750 Plus Unlimited for this month. Somehow I feel they’re still screwing me up somewhere. They have changed my plan as I can see that on the Dataone user account panel. The speed as per my plan should be just about 256 kbps i.e around 30 kBps. The speeds I am experiencing have a different tale to tell.

BSNL Dataone Speed explosion!

I am getting speeds upto 208 kBps. Mind the B! Somehow my speeds remain the same as per my previous plan but my plan name is changed when I look it up on the backend. Strange. I really hope they don’t mess this for me in the billing section. I don’t want a million dollar bill at my place next month. As of now, let me enjoy some speed!

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256kbps on UnLimited Plan i m switching to this nEW plaN .
  • This is not a 'plan' but a big screw-up. Who gets screwed...well we come to know by month end!
  • Pratik
    202kbps on UnLimited Plan :O DamN , i m switching to this nEW plaN .
  • amolpatil2k
    Great header image. Enjoy the speed! No system, especially no public sector system works perfectly. Make full use of the quirks that happen along the way.

    The only fear is that the probabilities are the same on either side. So one fine day, you may find the bandwidth throttled for no reason.

    QoS concepts are yet to get ingrained in our mindset. This is an inevitable feature of monopolistic regimes and lock-ins. When we need to decide between restaurants, the decision cannot go too wrong because there is always the next time. Changing an ISP is much more painful. This is the reason renting the modem is so much better than buying it. In a sense we reduce the lock-in.

    It is true that consolidation can create efficiencies of scale but that almost never happens as intended. Monopolies get created. The better way is layering. So let BSNL monopolize the backend as long as it lets franchisees decide the plans and fight it out.
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