Airtel Broadband: Speed Explosion!

in Broadband


I’ve been experiencing some really awesome speeds at home for the past few hours. I’ve touched a maximum of 50kB/s which is like really really awesome considering I’m on a 256kbps line. I hope this continues for long enough. Oh! But then I need to go visit Nehru Place all over again for a bigger portable hard drive for my lappy. Cheers to Airtel! And all those of you who curse their ISPs each time you can’t attain even promised speeds, check if Airtel is available nearby.

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aerrrrrrrrr......i too hv a 512 kbps,which is damb slow!!
  • I experienced this unusual speed up on my airtel connection as well. It's back to normal now (curses, because I couldn't finish up all the queued downloads!) Probably an internal screw up, but it's good to see corporates getting ripped off by the common man for a change. :D Or is this some kind of "get the customer addicted to faster speeds and then cut it down again" evil scheme?
  • suman
    i have 512kbps connection.
    can you tell me, how will i increase speed?
  • sahil
    tell me bro how'll i speed up my airtel 64 kbps
  • ajay
    i got max 285 kbps downloading speed on my 64kbps line with airtel. :)
  • amit
    Airtel Broadband is much better than BSNL Dataone. Even Reliance isn't offering the correct bandwidth and Tata Indicom is way behind the broadband scene. Locals ISPs have given up since Airtel Broadband evolved and with Airtel's pricing and new tariff plans along with Games on Demand service etc. will surely make Airtel on top! Not to forget the current new free wifi scheme is simply superb!!!!
  • Harry
    That's cool!!!!
  • Pratik
    bsnl dataone vs airtel broadband speeds

    BSNL forever ...N I alwayz loved Priety ZinTa more than Shah Rukh :P
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