Google Goes Social With Google Buzz!

in Tech

google buzzThe web is now social and Google indeed doesn’t want to lag behind especially at a time when Twitter, Facebook along with other social applications are making the most of it. So Google has decided to take the leap and today it launched . In an event at Google headquarters at Mountain View, CA, Google has just launched and demonstrated the next Google product for the social web.

So what exactly is Google Buzz? First of all Google Buzz is built into Gmail. We all use Gmail and we love it. Google Buzz is simply a brand new way to share stuff with your friends and communicate with them right inside Gmail. Google Buzz is supposed to offer a rich and fast sharing experience to it’s users with added sugar to media. The good folks at Google believe there’s so much of data on the social front that now it needs cleaning, taking out the noise. So Google Buzz will contribute in providing users with an optimum social tool minus the pain. Google also demonstrated the mobile side of Buzz during the launch event. I’ll have to admit I’m very optimistic about this product from Google.

Google Buzz will roll out to some Gmail users beginning today. Buzz will be available right inside Gmail, under the inbox link. Google will entirely enable Google Buzz for all Gmail users in the coming few days. People on Twitter are already speculating on the success of Google’s latest launch. I believe the Google Wave preview experience is to blame for that. Not everyone understood what Wave actually was and the mad rush for invitations got everyone disliking Wave initially. Google Buzz isn’t exactly Wave and plus it’s got a lot more social touch to it considering the Gmail integration.

Here’s a video from Google about Google Buzz:

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Tags: event, , , google buzz, google wave, , social, ,

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