Indian Railways hit a home run when they launched their online ticket booking portal for trains. Booking a ticket at any Indian Railways counter was such a pain. The long queues, the smell of sweat and the ultra slow officials who’d blow up their computers by the time it’s your turn, everything contributed to booking a ticket, making the journey ugly even before it began. Online ticketing not only added to the revenues but also made it convenient for people like me to book and print tickets at the comfort of their homes.
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Maan Gaye Mughal-E-Azam
I feel Mallika Sherwat and Rahul Bose make the best on-screen couple. I simply loved Pyar Ke Side Effects. The missing Pritish Nandy tag on Maan Gaye Mughal-E-Azam is the only thing that could turn off a lot of people including me. Paresh Rawal is the icing on the chocolate comedy cake this movie seems to be. The film has been written and directed by Sanjay Chhel. Sanjay has also penned the lyrics for the soundtrack. Will the two H’s work for him? We’ll have to wait and watch! The film also stars Kay Kay Menon. Lookout for the reviews and check this movie out only if someone recommends it to you. I have a bad feeling this movie won’t be what it looks like. I’ll pass on this one and save my multiplex moolah for Rock On next week.
There was a time when Ram Gopal Verma was my Steven Spielberg. Not anymore. Noway! I loved the movies he used to make. Phoonk is another flick straight from RGV’s factory of horrible productions. There is a contest going around which claims if someone dares watching Phoonk all alone in a theater he/she will be awarded a cash reward of Rs. 5 Lakhs. Wow! They claim the movie is that scary. Bollywood horror movies are no where close to being scary. I bet the contestants would die of excessive laughter rather than being scared. There is really no reason why one should watch this movie in a theater. No one should even buy a home video. Ram Gopal Verma should be banned. Really!
Mumbai Meri Jaan
If there is one movie that feels good, it’s Mumbai Meri Jaan. The film is about the blasts that took place on local trains in Mumbai on July 11, 2006. The film stars Paresh Rawal, Soha Ali Khan, Irfan Khan, Kay Kay Menon in lead roles. The film has been produced by Ronnie Screwala under the UTV Movies banner. I have a feeling this movie would be totally worth it! This is also the no-nonsense Bollywood flick releasing this week. Choose wisely, go for Mumbai Meri Jaan.