Seems like you can get your hands on the Google Nexus S smartphone in India soon, unofficially of course. Google’s next Android based device is available for a pre-order on Ebay India. The seller is based in India and is promising delivery of the Nexus S by 1 January 2011. The listing seems genuine since the seller does have a 100% feedback on the site. It is currently priced at around Rs. 32,999. Although the seller hasn’t mentioned whether it’ll be the unlocked version, it doesn’t really matter since Google has declared that it will be selling both locked and unlocked versions of the Nexus S.
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Looks like Microsoft’s Zune Phone, the Project Pink ‘Turtle’ phone, has arrived at FCC for approval. It seems like Microsoft has partnered with Sharp to make the Microsoft phone for them. This may be one of the Pink devices Microsoft plans to launch in the near future. Whether Microsoft will launch the ‘Turtle’ phone during Mobile World Conference this year is still a question on everyone’s mind.
If you take a look at Sharp’s application for the phone it is indeed similar to the phone Gizmodo revealed some time around last year.
Things are indeed getting pretty interesting now. Will Apple’s Steve Jobs admitting how Google might be trying to kill the iPhone with it’s Nexus One, I really wanna see how he sees Microsoft’s plan on making it to the smartphone sector with it’s Pink devices. I guess we’ll have to wait for the Mobile World Congress.