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live on campus contest

We all have some precious moments with our friends at college, captured in photographs that speak for themselves. Live On Campus is running an interesting photo challenge on it’s Facebook fan page. All you have to do is upload one or more of your favorite moments with your campus buddies on their wall, tag your friends (if any) and add a description to your photos. The photos with the maximum likes and comments win some exciting prizes which include an action packed adventure trip to Rishikesh (camping and rafting), digital photos frames, large sized prints on photos etc. and even more.
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Google Squared Could Turn Out Pretty Useful!

in Tech

google squared

Google had earlier unveiled during it’s Searchology briefing. Google Squared simply returns results in a neatly arranged tabular format. You can call it a spreadsheet format as well, Google likes to call it Squares. Users can share their search results on Google Squared with others by signing in. There’s also a neat option to save the search results from Squared to Google Spreadsheets. I’ll say Google Squared has an amazing potential here.

Why? For one, the data on the web today is highly unstructured. Two, it’s easier at times to get what you want from a neatly arranged search engine result that returns information exactly how you need it. Searching by keywords in the future is not going to solve all the search queries going by the sheer volume data floating across the web. Three, Google is picking up data structures from the web as facts and then arranging them in a sleek order.
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Dropbox: File Sharing for Dummies!

September 14, 2008

There are tons of online file sharing and storing tools available on the Internet. All of these fit a variety of user requirements. Although online file storage isn’t really popular in India due to the low broadband penetration and crappy broadband service providers, having your important files globally accessible comes handy at times. You can’t [...]

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