Diwali, the festival of lights, the Indian Christmas, is finally here! I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy Diwali and may God bless you all with pure happiness. On a personal note I’d like to make a tiny little request. This year show that you care for the environment. Be sensible, you don’t have to burst crackers to express your joy, light up your place well and share your joy with everyone around you. Let’s all have a green Diwali this year!
Happy Diwali again! 
First of all I’m sorry for a long absence from the blogging scene. I’ve been experiencing an awful lot of in the past couple of weeks. It’s almost like it’s killing me. I know I’ve got to see a doctor but I’m just being too lazy about it now. It feels like a sudden attack coming out of nowhere. A few minutes of deep breaths and it’s gone. Those few minutes are just horrible. There are no external signs though. But still I need to get myself checked up before it kills me. I hope it doesn’t. I just registered this domain name and I don’t wanna let go until it expires!
Anyways let’s not talk about anything killing me. Let’s talk about life. Everything has changed quite a lot for me ever since I moved to Delhi. Moving from a place like Chandigarh to Delhi is like moving from heaven to hell. Hell it is! The roads are like a mini zoo. You could spot so many different creatures out there, right in the middle of the road. The people stare at you all the time. Like you’re from another planet or something, they just keep staring at you no matter what. The autowallahs just can’t be polite. They still want to charge you a bomb and shout at you for one wrong turn. The smoke, dust, pollution and really big fat insects are out there to get you. The traffic adds to the misery. I feel it’s time they quarantine the city before it spreads the poison too far.
The pain is just too much sometimes. I hardly get to go out. I don’t have any friends nearby. The only happy time I get is when I’m laughing my way to glory at college and when I’m visiting my cousins at Rohini. I don’t consider Rohini as a part of Delhi. One it’s too far north. Two it’s way too much better and cleaner. The best part is when I get to go back home in Chandigarh. I’ll be attending an official six weeks internship at Chandigarh itself during the summer holidays. I’m really really looking forward to it! But I have exams first. And I need to work hard on those as well. So it means less Orkutting, chatting, web surfing, movies and vehla-panti! I will still keep blogging for sure. And in the mean time if hypotension kills me, I just want to tell you I really appreciate ‘you’. Yes ‘you’ the one reading my blog! See you on the other side.