Seems like you can get your hands on the Google Nexus S smartphone in India soon, unofficially of course. Google’s next Android based device is available for a pre-order on Ebay India. The seller is based in India and is promising delivery of the Nexus S by 1 January 2011. The listing seems genuine since the seller does have a 100% feedback on the site. It is currently priced at around Rs. 32,999. Although the seller hasn’t mentioned whether it’ll be the unlocked version, it doesn’t really matter since Google has declared that it will be selling both locked and unlocked versions of the Nexus S.
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The way this world works is when each of us fulfil our own obligation or liability. The system doesn’t work on a single node but it works as a collective result of all the nodes functioning as a cohesive unit.
Back then when Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were trying hard to place a personal computer in every home, it wasn’t just their genius invention that made people go gaga over what cool stuff these machines could do.
It was a result of a combination of hundred of tiny components put together by Steve and Bill, components manufactured by various different suppliers. Imagine a PC without them?
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