Once upon a time there lived a girl by the name of Alice.
Alice was smart. Alice was loving. Alice was all a man desires.
Alice sat for a test. Alice passed the test. Alice boarded a flight to UK.
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As I sit here writing this article I’m sure there are thousands if not millions of students back there in India who are currently preparing for their GRE/GMAT exams. The urge to go abroad just never ends. Studying abroad is simply an excuse. At first thought when you thought of going abroad for studies, the only thing that could come in your silly mind was not studies itself but hundreds of those green things, those chicks, that life, the life we download every single day in episodes as sitcoms and sit in front of our PCs laughing away and hoping one day you’ll get your own ticket abroad. Here’s a reality check for you kids. The Great Indian GRE dream is nothing close to what you’d imagine it to be. It’s a whole new world out there. There are so many misconceptions that are hard wired into our brains by fellow students, agents, so called immigration consultants etc. that we just don’t use 1% of our brain to think real. So Zordy, the lord of the good world, had to issue an advisory. I’ll cover it in 2-3 parts as long as I can find time from my busy schedule (I like using the world schedule here, it sounds I have something real to do).
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