Online pre-paid recharge using Oxicash!

in Mobile

online prepaid recharge using oxicash and oxigen

It’s late at night, you’re into a very important romantic conversation and you run out of cash on your pre-paid cell phone connection. What do you do? You freak out of course! I’ve always faced situations when I have run out of cash on my pre-paid connections in the middle of the night. Sometimes the nearby dealers just won’t recharge my pre-paid and sometimes I’m just too lazy to get out. I have used several online recharge services but sadly none of them survived.

I recently tried out the Oxicash online pre-paid recharge service and I must say it’s really good. You need to register with your cell phone number and add funds to your virtual wallet at Oxicash. You can add funds using a credit card, pre-paid voucher PIN or Netbanking. Then you can use your cash for mobile recharge or any of their utility services. Oxigen is quick and it works. They support almost all major mobile service providers in India. Very handy if you’re on the move.

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