Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan who is also Hyundai’s brand ambassador in India, revealed the upcoming Hyundai i10 Electric at the Auto Expo show in New Delhi. Hyundai i10 Electric will soon be launched by the company in the Indian market. The car is set to compete with other electric cars including Chevy’s upcoming Spark electric and a host of other hybrids. It’s however still unclear when i10 Electric will finally hit the Indian roads.
The new Hyundai i10 Electric shall be powered by a 49kW (66.6 PS) engine, it will hold all the juice in it’s 16 kWh lithium-ion battery package. On a single charge the i10 Electric can run upto 100 miles with a top speed of 80mph. Normally a full charge will take around 5 hours for the battery to power up. You’ll have to spend the night charging your car and in case you experience frequent power cuts you might wanna consider a petrol variant. The car is quite convenient for those who need to drive locally and not too much of distance is involved. As far as the price of Hyundai i10 Electric goes, the company is still too silent on it. Industry experts believe it could be anywhere between Rs. 5-7 lakhs depending on variants.
There’s some good news of diesel lovers. Hyundai will be launching their i10 Diesel variant pretty soon. There are no specifications out in the wild as of now but the car is expected to launch during 2010 itself. Currently Hyundai sells it’s i10 diesel variants in Japan. I’m hoping it’s the 1.6 engine that they’ll launch for i10 diesel in India as well. I’ll keep you guys posted!
Tags: auto expo, hyndai i10, i10 diesel, i10 electric, launch, photos, price, specifications
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